
Meetings & Events

Program Management

One of the most important components of a well-organized meeting, is the set-up, promotion and coordination of an excellent scientific program.

For all associations we proudly manage, we are involved in the set-up of the program. Given this experience, we can assist you with the following activities:

  • Serve as liaison for Program Committee for session moderators and guest speakers as requested
  • Confirm speakers and moderators
  • Confirm and arrange speakers’ AV requirements
  • Write, prepare and design “Call for Abstracts” solicitation
  • Coordinate abstract receipts, produce reports, and work with program committee
  • Prepare abstracts for program book
  • Mail abstract receipt confirmation notices
  • Mail abstract acceptance and denial letters
  • Prepare and design program meeting book and other written ancillary meeting materials
  • Provide camera ready, electronic file, to printer

Abstract management system

Status Plus has its own proprietary IT soft- and hardware and an in-house division for providing IT solutions, and we have developed our own abstract management system, specifically aimed at an efficient and optimal abstract submission procedures. We do not work with standardized solutions, but offer in-house, tailor-made/designed and maintained packages. Because of this we can offer easy, practical, and flexible service (maintenance included) without being dependent on suppliers.

Upcoming Events

  • 61e Gynaecongres

    Het Gynaecongres was en is het belangrijkste congres voor gynaecologisch Nederland.

    November 13 - November 15