Status Plus

Meetings & Events

Sponsor Management

The involvement and active engagement of sponsors and exhibitors is often a very important component of a well-organized (especially scientific) meeting.  Industry support agreements not only help allow clients achieve desired financial results, but also  provide opportunities for industry partners to meet their marketing objectives and to reach their specific target audiences.

Status Plus is the linking pin between you and the industry. Our extensive network and broad experience in this relationship building activity will help you to attract exhibitors and sponsors to your meeting.

We can take care of the full exhibition and sponsor process for your meeting or assist you with sub-tasks, such as:

  • Set up and develop exhibit and sponsor sales solicitation plans
  • Write, prepare, typeset, and mail exhibitor solicitation promotion and publicity materials
  • Approach potential exhibitors and sponsors
  • Negotiate and execute contracts
  • Collect, receive, and deposit exhibit and sponsor payments
  • Manage and coordinate all aspects of exhibits including set up, regulations and exhibitor service needs
  • Set up and conduct evaluation process with exhibitors and sponsors

Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your needs!

Upcoming Events

  • 61e Gynaecongres

    Het Gynaecongres was en is het belangrijkste congres voor gynaecologisch Nederland.

    November 13 - November 15