42nd Annual Meeting

IUGA’s 42nd meeting took place on June 20 – 24, 2017 in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. The meeting hosted urogynecologists, gynecologists, urologists, physiotherapists and nurses from all over the world.

Annual Meeting 2017

2017 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health.

Annual Scientific Program

The 24th Annual Meeting of The Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) will take place on Friday May 12, 2017 at the Boston Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

Annual Fall Scientific Meeting

The 18th Annual Fall Scientific Meeting of SMSNA took place on October 26-29, 2017 at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX, USA
The number of attendees: 643
The number of presenters: 266
The number of abstracts: 269
‘Composition’ of the attendees: Urologists, Gynecologists, psychologists, andrologists, fellows, residents and nurse practioners.

51st Biannual Gynaecongres

Twice a year, in fall and in spring, the Dutch Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics organizes its society meeting, the so called ‘Gynaecongres’. The two day scientific program is composed in close cooperation with a dedicated group of doctors and takes place at varying cities in the Netherlands. Besides a scientific program that includes several topical issues, an extensive exhibition and enjoyable social program are organized for the 600 attendees (on average) that visit this meeting.

The number of attendees: 555
The number of nationalities: Dutch
The number of presenters: 40
‘Composition’ of the attendees: Gynecologists


4th Biennial Meeting

The 4th Biennial Meeting of the MESSM will take place in Abu Dhabi from 14-16 September 2017.

During this 2,5 day meeting, healthcare professionals from several countries (15 nationalities) gathered to discuss a wide variety of topical issues within the theme: Sexual health updated: a couple’s perspective. The program targeted updates in sexual medicine and a focus on the effect on the partner was approached wherever possible.

NVOG 52nd Biannual Gynaecongres

The number of attendees: 621

Gynaecologists and trainee/fellow/resident gynaecologists

‘Live pollings via the mobile app were used during the presentations to show the thoughts of the audience in bar charts on the big screen’

IUGA 43rd Annual Meeting

IUGA Meetings & Educational Programs are developed with the mission to advance urogynecological knowledge around the world. The tradition of the IUGA Annual Meeting is now grounded in innovative science, renowned speakers, and a rapidly expanding network of professionals in urogynecology.

World Meeting on Sexual Medicine

The World Meeting on Sexual Medicine 2018 took place on February 28 – March 3, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal. This was the 21st World Meeting of the International Society for Sexual Medicine and the 20th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine.