NVOG 52nd Biannual Gynaecongres

The number of attendees: 621

Gynaecologists and trainee/fellow/resident gynaecologists

‘Live pollings via the mobile app were used during the presentations to show the thoughts of the audience in bar charts on the big screen’

51st Biannual Gynaecongres

Twice a year, in fall and in spring, the Dutch Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics organizes its society meeting, the so called ‘Gynaecongres’. The two day scientific program is composed in close cooperation with a dedicated group of doctors and takes place at varying cities in the Netherlands. Besides a scientific program that includes several topical issues, an extensive exhibition and enjoyable social program are organized for the 600 attendees (on average) that visit this meeting.

The number of attendees: 555
The number of nationalities: Dutch
The number of presenters: 40
‘Composition’ of the attendees: Gynecologists